I illustrated the latest Over the Garden Wall Graphic novel for Boom. It was written by Sam Johns.

I illustrated the latest Over the Garden Wall Graphic novel for Boom. It was written by Sam Johns.
More about the book on Boom’s website
I only did the cover for this Over the Garden Wall book. (The inside pages were illustrated by John Golden and written by Jonathan Case). Here’s a look at the art before they added the title treatment.
The new Over the Garden Wall Graphic Novel “Distillatoria” has just been released. Illustrated by myself. Written by Jonathan Case with Colors by SJ Miller.
Here’s a preview (music by Frank Fairfield)
My Original Graphic novel At The Shore is a storiy that I started working on in 2004. Originally the first chapter was released in a book called Krachmacher that was made with a grant from the Xeric Foundation and distributed by Alternative Comics. The story morphed and grew and I finally finished it about 10 years later. Available now through wowcool Here’s a few sample pages:
I wrote and drew the Greg story in the ongoing series of Over The Garden Wall Comics. Here’s a preview of issue 1!
The new (digital) issue of my comic “At The Shore” is available now through Comixology (and Alternative Comics)!
Hey! I drew this 28 pages comic book! Over The Garden Wall Special #01. It’s written by Pat McHale (the creator of the show). It’s a small extra adventure that takes place roughly between episodes 2 and 3. Here’s a preview:
Brendan Burford’s Syncopated Comics #3 is out now. I have a 12 page story in it about Theodore Roosevelt in the Badlands of old Dakota. It also feratures some great pieces by the likes of Dave Kiersh, Nick Bertozi, Tom Devlin, Susie Cagle, Rina Piccolo, and Brendan himself! I think this is the most well written and most beautifully designed book that Brendan had put together to date. And I’m not just saying that because I’m in it. EDIT: I’ve added the whole comic to this post, including a bonus page I added too late for publication:
©Jim Campbell