Just saw the old pals Bloodweiser perform at Fontana’s in NYC. I shot a couple songs with the 3-D camera and again posted them on youtube. The camera gets better results with brighter light but it does work. If you don’t have the old red/cyan glasses lying around from those 3-D comics or Hannah Montana movie, just chose “crosseye” view and cross your eyes till the left and right images merge in the middle.
click here to view the video below on the youtube site and get all the 3-D options.
I’ll be signing and selling my new book at the NY Comic Con this friday through sunday. You can find me in the artist’s alley section. On the brochure I’ll be listed as James Campbell because of a little screw up with the conventioneers. It should have said Meathaus Entterprises.. I’ll be selling back issues and maybe the new issue of methaus for the crew as well. Hopefully I’ll have company from other Meathausers off and on over the weekend. Chris McDonnell, farel Dalrymple, and Dash Shaw will all be at the Con as well.
Click on the poster below to see it bigger.