My Original Graphic novel At The Shore is a storiy that I started working on in 2004. Originally the first chapter was released in a book called Krachmacher that was made with a grant from the Xeric Foundation and distributed by Alternative Comics. The story morphed and grew and I finally finished it about 10 years later. Available now through wowcool Here’s a few sample pages:
At The Shore
Over The Garden Wall (Ongoing series) #1
I wrote and drew the Greg story in the ongoing series of Over The Garden Wall Comics. Here’s a preview of issue 1!
At The Shore Number 3!
The new (digital) issue of my comic “At The Shore” is available now through Comixology (and Alternative Comics)!
Over the Garden Wall comic book
Hey! I drew this 28 pages comic book! Over The Garden Wall Special #01. It’s written by Pat McHale (the creator of the show). It’s a small extra adventure that takes place roughly between episodes 2 and 3. Here’s a preview:
Over The Garden Wall Storyboards
I did storyboards for this show! I worked on episode 3 with Laura Park (she designed the techer and some of the animals). Here is a video clip of a segment I storyboarded. The song is the demo version of the song on the show, written and recorded my my old friend David V. Stevenson of the Ottomen:
“At The Shore” number 2!
“At the Shore” number 1 out now!
Dean Gaunt Cartoons
Back before World War 2, Uncle Dean (really my great-uncle) got interested in drawing cartoons. He always encouraged me to draw when I was little, but I didn’t really know about his own stuff until after he passed and Aunt Helen gave me several books he used as instruction including a copy of Zim’s How to Draw Funny Pictures .
Around 1940 he began doing these portraits of Le Grand Iowa citizens for the local paper. A few family members have expressed curiosity about seeing his cartoons so I’m putting them up on my site here. You can also download this book as a pdf here
So here it is: Dean Gaunt’s Who’s Who in LeGrand – A Community Cartooned:
One little note: the cartoon portrait of Dean himself seems to be drawn by someone named Frank King Jr. I looked it up once, and I believe this guy was a regional political cartoonist, and no relation to Frank King who drew Gasoline Alley.
A Plus X #5
Here’s come coloring work I did for Marvel’s A Plus X #5 story by Kathryn Immonen and drawn by David Lafuente Featurng Doop (That green floating guy originally created by Mike Allred) and Iron Fist. Serious props to David Lafuente on these pages. I never saw someone go so nuts outside the script box and make it work. The 3rd page is what happenswhen Doop eats you apparently.
Spike and Mike Poster
I colored this posted drawn by Tony Millionaire for the Spike and Mike film festival. They changed the color of the banner in the final because they thought green on yellow was hard to read or something. go figure. Awesome poster anyway!! I’m glad spike and Mike are still up and running… well Spike anyway. Rest in Peace Mike.